Papou's Secret Spice rub

Papou's Secret Spice rub

Ah, the beginning of summer and the long-awaited warming of the winter bones.  My Papou (Grandfather) and my Dad had it down. Mom would buy the meat on Thursday, Papou carefully massaged his magic and secret Spice rub on Friday, the meat was infused over a two-day period until our traditional Sunday afternoon early dinner.

What a culinary explosion. As the dry rub soaked in by the charcoal, Dad brushed the meat with our Yiayia’s (Grandmother) Greek Extra virgin salad dressing, sometimes his homemade Greek BBQ sauce, different, special, uniquely satisfying.

We served them with Yiayia’s Special Spices over Greek Potatoes finished on the grill and BBQ’d Broccoli on a skewer basted and served with Dad’s LEMONAKI sauce.

We didn’t know it at the time, but it was the beginning of Strompolos Foods and our tried and tested Dressings and Spice mixes.

Give them a try.


Eat Healthy

Stavros Strompolos 

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